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Positive Nation







Pink Therapy

Freedom Health








Training and presentation

I am an associate member of Restorego, a training agency that uses personal change management to ‘restore the battered ego from within’ and help individuals, groups and communities to develop and maintain positive and healthier lifestyles.


I offer training and workshops in the following subjects:        

Media and press relations

Basic and advanced HIV/AIDS information

HIV counselling

Experiential personal growth workshops

Since going self employed I have trained and presented for the following organisations:

Boehringer Ingelheim - Media training

Coca-Cola - HIV and AIDS awareness for employers

National African HIV Prevention Programme (NAHIP) - Media Training 

The Media Trust - Communicating with ethnic minorities through the press

The Young Presidents' Association - The economics of HIV drug development

CHAPS (the Community HIV and Aids Prevention Strategy) - Pre-exposure Prophylaxis

I hope to expand all these areas of work and also combine my therapy and groupwork skills with my HIV knowledge by moving more into training

I am currently discussing a series of training workshops for patients in HIV drug resistance in collaboration with HIV resistance experts.

I am also an experienced media spokesperson and communicator, having appeared as editor of Positive Nation for BBC TV (Newsnight), ITV News, Radio 5 Live, LBC Newstalk, Spectrum Radio, the 13th London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and various independent channels


In the past I ran training workshops for the Immune Development Trust and PACE in HIV/AIDS awareness and counselling

Between 1992 and 1998 I helped to devise and facilitate some of the Gay Men's Weeks at Laurieston Hall run by the Edward Carpenter Community. These are week-long residential personal growth experiences for gay men seeking alternative ways of relating. This culminated in a structured week on spirituality and shamanism, the 'Week of Wonders', in 1998.

I have also run workshops for the 'Alchemy' weeks run by Positively Healthy.


  • ·        ‘Excellent! A lot of fun too’

  • ·        ‘All were very appropriate. Training room very suitable. Trainer & facilitator well-versed with the subject’

  • ·        ‘The training session was very well-organised, delivered and the interactive practical sessions were very effective in letting me perfect my skills, voice, tone and interaction. The agenda was well-balanced.’

  • ·        ‘Very useful day & very helpful. Role-playing was very difficult but ultimately very rewarding’

  • ·        ‘Really enjoyed the day – felt confident in dealing with issues & feedback sessions.  Agenda covered everything I needed to know and more. First time I’ve done a training course looking forward to the afternoon.'.

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