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Training and presentation I am an associate member of Restorego, a training agency that uses personal change management to ‘restore the battered ego from within’ and help individuals, groups and communities to develop and maintain positive and healthier lifestyles. CURRENT TRAININGI offer training and workshops in the following subjects: Media and press relations Basic and advanced HIV/AIDS information HIV counselling Experiential personal growth workshops Since going self employed I have trained and presented for the following organisations: Boehringer Ingelheim - Media training Coca-Cola - HIV and AIDS awareness for employers National African HIV Prevention Programme (NAHIP) - Media Training The Media Trust - Communicating with ethnic minorities through the press The Young Presidents' Association - The economics of HIV drug development CHAPS (the Community HIV and Aids Prevention Strategy) - Pre-exposure Prophylaxis I hope to expand all these areas of work and also combine my therapy and groupwork skills with my HIV knowledge by moving more into training I am currently discussing a series of training workshops for patients in HIV drug resistance in collaboration with HIV resistance experts. I am also an experienced media spokesperson and communicator, having appeared as editor of Positive Nation for BBC TV (Newsnight), ITV News, Radio 5 Live, LBC Newstalk, Spectrum Radio, the 13th London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and various independent channels PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE In the past I ran training workshops for the Immune Development Trust and PACE in HIV/AIDS awareness and counselling Between 1992 and 1998 I helped to devise and facilitate some of the Gay Men's Weeks at Laurieston Hall run by the Edward Carpenter Community. These are week-long residential personal growth experiences for gay men seeking alternative ways of relating. This culminated in a structured week on spirituality and shamanism, the 'Week of Wonders', in 1998. I have also run workshops for the 'Alchemy' weeks run by Positively Healthy. REVIEWS
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